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We Started a Podcast!

Sharing Ocean Stories to Inspire Ocean Stewards

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our podcast. We named it Coral, Kelp & Community, because the Reef Life Foundation restores coral and kelp, while the podcast is a platform for the ocean community to share their work, causes, and passion.

This podcast is part of our Education Program and seeks to foster the UN Ocean Decade goal of increasing ocean literacy. The goal of our Education Program is to increase awareness and understanding of ocean ecosystems and conservation. The podcast aims to support this goal by reaching as many people as possible to raise awareness about the variety of ocean issues--and meaningful work--happening all over the world. The podcast is designed for easy listening, so our host and guest engage in friendly conversation. If listeners want to learn more, links are provided in the show notes.

Further, the podcast has its own purpose: to inspire ocean stewards. To that end, each episode finishes with a call to action for listeners to get involved with positive change. And every quarter, the podcast will have a featured awareness campaign on social media. Follow us to get involved!

We launched our first three episodes on International Whale Shark Day (30 August 2023). To honor this day, our first episode was a wonderful chat about nature’s right to conserve sharks and our featured awareness campaign through December 2023 is Share Shark Love.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify, Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts.

We hope to start offering bonus material and membership tiers soon! This will include bonus episodes, bloopers, and special events. In the spirit of keeping all ocean literacy material free, these bonus materials will be more focused on behind-the-scenes and getting to know the guest/host (the host is our Program Director, Tara Pierce!). Updates will be on social media, this blog post, and our website. Follow us and stay tuned!

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Всі ми прекрасно знаємо всю ту користь, що приносять новини в наше життя, так само ми всі користуємося тими чи іншими новинними порталами кожен день. Саме тому, так круто, що ми тут можемо поговорити і обговорити те, наскільки ефективною і якісною є робота новин. Я зі свого боку можу сказати з повною упевненістю, що завдяки новинному порталу Delo, я став набагато краще розуміти новини, пов'язані з економікою, що на сьогоднішній день дуже важливий аспект нашого життя. Та й плюс, економіка дуже важлива тематика, тому тут їм великий респект, що завжди висвітлюють найактуальніші та найпотрібніші теми. Та й взагалі, друзі, я раджу звернути більше уваги на цей новинний портал, адже саме він є найкращим у моїй країні, а це неспроста.

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