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Save Coral Reef Giveaway Mail-In Information
Entry Mail-In Steps
To be entered to win Reef Life Foundation's "Save Coral Reefs Giveaway" through Mail-In entrance, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Print off the Mail-In Entry Form. Access the form by clicking the following button:
Step 2: Read the Giveaway Terms and Conditions included in the Mail-In form. After reading the Terms and Conditions, initial each page at the bottom of the page to signify that you accept, and sign and date the last page on the signature line.
Step 3: Mail the Mail-In Entry Form and the signed Terms and Conditions pages on or before June 26, 2020, to be entered to win the Giveaway. Any Mail-In Entries postmarked after June 26, 2020, will not be considered.
*There is no limit to how many times an individual can enter to win, but must mail-in a new application for each entry. To view terms and conditions online, please visit: Terms and Conditions
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